Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2009 Is Coming to a Close

Well 2009 is coming to a close very soon. I have mixed emotions on starting a new year. On one hand I am very excited. I am in a new exciting place and I love my job. I have always dreamed of traveling and teaching and at the moment I am doing both. This time last year I never would have guessed I would be teaching English in South Korea. So here is hoping 2010 continues as well as 2009 ended.

On the flip side, I miss my family and friends. However, with the greatness that is the internet and Skype I can keep up with everyone. I missed the birth of my niece which was a little hard to swallow, but I have been kept up to speed on everything. I can't wait to get back to the good ol' USofA to meet her. She is so amazingly cute, and that is just not me being the proud uncle that I am.

I am also sort of glad 2009 is coming to a close because it has been a hard year. So I am really looking forward to 2010 and getting the chance to start a new year fresh in a new place.

I hope everyone had a great New Year. I will be spending New Years Day on a little day trip up to Seoul. It will be my first time there, and I am really looking forward to it even if it is for just a few hours. I'll be sure to take some pictures and fill you in on my journey up north.

Happy New Year!

I want to leave you with one of my favorite toasts, even if it's a little long. I find these are powerful words that I have to keep going back to at times. I don't know who came up with it, but I heard it first in Jack Ingram song....

Here's to living everyday just like its your last.
Here's to loving just like your heart's never been broken.
Here's to always dancing just like nobody's watching.

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