Well I am here. I am in my apartment (pics to come) and trying to settle in. I didn't get to see much yesterday. I got to Daegu about 11am and after being dropped off at my apartment, I went for a walk. I got some lunch at KFC (yeah I know stepping out on a limb there for my first mean in SK right?). It was surprisingly similar to the KFC in the US. Not sure why I was expecting something different. The one different thing was when I ordered it to go (and 1 of the 2 ladies working spoke a little English) they packed my small drink in a bag. Other than that it was just as good as back home. After that I took a shower and laid down. That shower felt so good since it had been a long time since my previous one, and all that travel time really didn't make me feel great. I intended to only take a hour or two nap and went to sleep around 3pm. I didn't awake till 3am. Oh how I needed that sleep. I didn't not sleep well on the plane at all and was exhausted by the time I got to Daegu.
So after a good nights sleep, I finally rolled out of bed around 4am to go grab a small bite to eat. Nearby there are a few 24 hour places (like a 7-11 which they do have here but I have not seen one nearby). I grabed a coke (still a little scared to try something new) and some sort of chocolate pastry which was very good. I sat around watching some English programing on the TV along with the replays of the Korean Baseball Championship which I believe just ended recently. I took another nap figureing I need to stay up much later tonight to get on a better schedule. I got up again around 8am and headed out for a walk around my neighborhood. This is where things got interesting.
I started out just walking down the main drag near me and before long I was lost. I knew the bus line that ran on the main street near me so I started looking for it. I walked for over an hour (felt I was lost for maybe 30+ mins) until I finally found that bus line again. I followed it down and found home again. Somewhere along the way I must have crossed it not knowing where I was. Most of the housing buildings look the same, except for the numbers (for instance I live in 301). It was a good walk though. I walked for over an hour and saw some interesting things. Next time I will have my camera with me. After I found my way back, I had breakfast at Dunkin' Donuts and then came to the internet cafe again to upload pics, check email, and post.
Till next time,
I uploaded all my pics so far onto flickr, so check it out if you like. I have included a few below as well.
That is a SWEET little apartment. And those cleaning supplies they left behind are ridiculously colourful.
They are colorful. They seem to like pink too. The sheets they left (thankfully I brought my own) and the blanket they left me - both pink. Maybe they were hoping for a female.
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