Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving Abroad

So Thursday was Thanksgiving in America. The American teachers at my school tried to get by on having a few things that reminded us of home. A gracious teacher from upstairs in our middle school department made deviled eggs and brought them down. They were delicious. I tried for a few days to find a pie, but had little luck. I really wanted pecan, my favorite, but realized I had not seen a single pecan anywhere. With that hope dashed, I set my sites on a pumpkin pie. As it turns out pie is not a big deal here, making my quest that much harder. A few of us set out for Emart early on Thursday in hopes of finding one there, but to no avail. After searching my neighborhood thoroughly, I had to settle for a walnut pie. It wasn't pecan (or peekin as the Brits here pronounce it) but it was good none-the-less. The pie and the eggs helped a little in our efforts to remind ourselves of home and the big meals our families would soon partake in. I love Thanksgiving time at home. It is always a good day. Time for family, food, and football.

After work the American teachers plus one Brit went for dinner at a Korean BBQ place near work. Good food and good company always make for a great time. It wasn't quite home, but here half way around the world it would do. I have missed Thanksgivings before at home, but I have never missed a Christmas and I think if I am going to be homesick it will be then. We have plans already for a Western style meal somewhere that day, which will help a little, but not being with family will be hard on that day.

In other news, I am really enjoying my job so far. I started teaching on Tuesday and even though it has been less than a week, I really am enjoying it. The kids are great for the most part, and everyone at work is very helpful. I am really looking forward to a good year.

I have come down with something of late. A bug of sorts has been going around work, but I refuse to let it get me down. Tonight we are going out for a send off party for the teacher I am taking over for. It should be a good time and I am looking forward to getting out of the apartment for awhile. Nyquil has been my friend of late. Without it I am not sure I would have slept as good as I have the last few nights. Nothing else exciting has happened of late. I wanted to go hiking this weekend but do to my headcold I will postpone that for a week or so. I did find it interesting today when I went for a haircut. I walked in to the shop I was told about and tried to tell him I just wanted my neck shaved since my hair was still pretty short. But with Edward Scissorhands like speed, he was off to the races cutting away. It had to be the most thorough hair cut I have ever had. He cut then shampooed, then cut somemore. I felt like a sculpture. He would look closely at a section from a step away, then he was back cutting. He did an excellent job, and for only 8,000 won it was a great deal. To get them to cut and shampoo my hair like that back home is going to cost me $25 at the very least.

Well that is all for now.

P.S. It was a good football weekend. The Cowboys won and UT and Bama are both undefeated!


Emily said...

At least you did something for Thanksgiving! We pretty much just ignored it completely here. Kind of depressing really.

Sounds like you're having a great time though! I'm glad you like teaching! It's so fun! And crazy easy, no?

You'll get over the bug. . . maaaaybe. Haha. My roommate and I catch something like every other week it seems. Having that many kids around you all the time is like a living on a germ farm!

Eric said...

Yes it is easy and a lot of fun. The bug has been around the office. I think it is one that just lingers and never goes away. We had fun Thanksgiving and will be better prepared for Christmas.