Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Friends Have Baby - I Await Passport

So I am just sitting around waiting for my passport to arrive before I can apply for teaching jobs in S. Korea. I got my criminal record check back the other day and sent it off to get apostilled. I was really surprised how quick it came back. I mailed it off to Tallahassee on Monday and got it back in the mail on Saturday. That is quick for any government agency.

So in the mean time while I wait for my passport I am subbing at local schools and trying to finish up a few college classes. Yes I already have my degree but I am still thinking about grad school in the future. I want to get my master's degree in history and needed a few more history credits.

I am excited to announce my best friends had their first baby on Sunday night. Morgan Kalley Kempton was born on September 27 at 11:13 pm. She is a healthy 6lb 12oz and 20" baby girl. I really wish I could have been there for it but being 700 miles away makes it hard. The good news is baby and momma are doing fine.

Not much else is going on. I have a few things on my mind for future posts but right now I don't have the time to put them all down. They will come soon.

I really hope once my passport comes I can start to get some interviews. I really would like to find either public school job starting in February or a hagwon to start before the end of the year. I guess it will remain to be seen what all happens but I am excited about the chance to go overseas and teach English. I think I need to get out of this area for awhile. This week is the 3rd week for my passport and they say it can take between 4-6. I am hoping for closer to 4 as I am excited about getting some interviews going.

Till next time,

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